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What's Included?

  • Debenture seats are located in the prime 2nd Tier of Centre Court and are within the first 13 rows (A – N)
  • The 2nd Tier of Centre Court has a maximum of 31 rows (A – ZF)
  • There are only a limited number of debentures allocated in the lower rows

Wimbledon tickets are issued as “Digital Tickets”. You will need to create a myWIMBLEDON account at wimbledon.com and provide us with the name & email address you used to create your account. We need this information to transfer the tickets to you.

Travel Cards will be sent to you in good time for your day(s) at The Championships.

What's Included?

  • Levels 2 & 3 of No.1 Court has a maximum of 26 rows (A – ZA)
  • Debenture seats are within the first 16 rows (A – Q)
  • There are only a limited number of debentures allocated in the lower rows

Wimbledon tickets are issued as “Digital Tickets”. You will need to create a myWIMBLEDON account at wimbledon.com and provide us with the name & email address you used to create your account. We need this information to transfer the tickets to you.

Travel Cards will be sent to you in good time for your day(s) at The Championships.